jQuery-DataEntry - Examples

forms validation plugin that supports AJAX requests, automatic decoration of fields, localized error messages. Integrable with Angular, Backbone, Knockout.

Dynamic validation.

        /* dataentry schema */
        schema: {
          propertyOne: {
            //This validation is dynamic
            validation: function () {
              //the function is called in the context of the scope (Angular); or model (Knockout); or form element (basic plugin usage)
              var rules = [];
              if (someCondition)
                return ["required"];
              return ["none"];
          propertyTwo: {
            //This validation is static
            validation: ["required"]


Defining a custom validation rule.

      //custom rule definition: add a property to the $.Forms.Validation.Rules object
      $.Forms.Validation.Rules.myCustomRule = {

        fn: function (field, value, forced) {
          if (!value) return true;//return true if the value is empty, because this validation rule is not checking if a required field is filled.

          //return true if the value is composed by 3 digits, followed by an hyphen and then 2 letters
          if (/\d{3}-[a-zA-Z]{2}/.test(value))
            //value is valid
            return true;

          //value is not valid
          return $.Forms.Validation.GetError(I.t("errors.invalidValue"), arguments);


      //somewhere else in the js code [...]
      schema: {
        property: {
          validation: ["required"]


Defining an AJAX validation rule.

      //custom rule definition: add a property to the $.Forms.Validation.Rules object
      $.Forms.Validation.Rules.myAjaxRule = {

        deferred: true, //validation rule is deferred

        fn: function (field, value, forced) {
          var d = new $.Deferred();
            url: "Validation/MyValidationMethod",
            type: "POST",
            data: {
              value: value
            //to keep reference
            context: this
          }).done(function (data) {
            //support the response to be a boolean
            if (data === true)
              return d.resolveWith(field, [{ field: field }]);
            if (data === false)
              data = { error: true };
            data.field = field;
            if (data.error) {
              //define here the error message that you want to use
              data.message = I.t("errors.invalidValue");
              d.rejectWith(field, [data]);
            } else {
              d.resolveWith(field, [data]);
          }).fail(function () {
            //SERVER SIDE ERROR DURING VALIDATION: display an error message to let the user know that the validation failed because of a system error
            //NB: the client side form could be right; but we cannot be sure of this, therefore we invalidate the field
            d.reject({ error: true, message: I.t('errors.validationFailed') });
          //return a promise object
          return d.promise();


      //somewhere else in the js code [...]
      schema: {
        property: {
          validation: ["myAjaxRule"]

Defining a custom Marker, to modify how the error messages are displayed on fields.

      var MyCustomMarker = $.Forms.Marking.MyCustomMarker = function () {};

      //implement the following functions: the first argument is always a jQuery element: the field to mark
      _.extend(MyCustomMarker.prototype, {

        markFieldNeutrum: function (f) {


        markFieldValid: function (f) {


        markFieldInvalid: function (f, options) {
          //options.message is the error message


      //set as marker type for the validator
      $.Forms.Validation.Validator.prototype.markerType = MyCustomMarker;

Reading the form values from the model, rather than from the input elements.

      //1. Set the default harvester type to be ContextHarvester (once)
      $.Forms.DataEntry.prototype.harvesterType = $.Forms.Harvesting.ContextHarvester;

      //2. In each object where a schema is defined, define a method called "dataentryObjectGetter" that returns the object from which values should be read
      dataentryObjectGetter: function () {
        return this.personEdit;